Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Orders are Flooding In


It's 80 degrees, 80% humidity outside, and Mesdames' oven is on along with the air conditioning unit.  The baking doesn't stop for summer heat.  A batch of mocha macs are about to be baked while blueberry lemonade and white chocolate rose macs are getting dressed in little bags and bows for some lucky office workers to share next week.

You can place an order at any time by emailing mesdames.des.macarons@gmail.com.  The orders are coming in small waves at the moment, though, so please allow at least one week for your macaron order to be filled.  Shipping details for those macarons lovers outside of Massachusetts are under assessment.  We will hopefully be providing access to an online store soon as well.

Merci and thank you for supporting our insane baking habits!